Kerbal Space Program  1.12.4
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kerbalExpressionSystem Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for kerbalExpressionSystem:

Public Member Functions

IEnumerator SetNewIdleExpression ()
 Function to change the expressions in the new idle animations at a specific time. More...

Public Attributes

Animator animator
Part evaPart
float expression
float expressionLerpRate = 1f
string expressionParameterName = "Expression"
float fearFactor
float flight_angularV
float flight_gee
float flight_velocity
string hasHelmetName = "hasHelmet"
string idleBoolName = "isIdle"
string idleFloatName = "IdleFloatController"
int idlePlayChance = 10
int idleRandomNumberLimitHelmet = 11
int idleRandomNumberLimitNoHelmet = 6
float idleThreshold = 0.2f
float idleTimer = 0f
float idleUpdateInterval = 10
bool isIVAController
Kerbal kerbal
KerbalEVA kerbalEVA
float newIdleFearFactor
float newIdleWheeLevel
float panicLevel
ProtoCrewMember protoCrewMember
float secondaryVarianceLerpRate = 1f
string secondaryVarianceParameterName = "SecondaryVariance"
float secondaryVarianceTimer = 0f
float secondaryVarianceUpdateInterval = 1f
float startExpressionTime
bool useNewIdleExpressions = false
float varianceLerpRate = 1f
string varianceParameterName = "Variance"
float varianceTimer = 0f
float varianceUpdateInterval = 1f
float wheeLevel

Static Public Attributes

static bool showInactive = true

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Awake ()
virtual void EVAUpdate ()
 Kerbal Fuzzy AI EVA:: calculate wheee and panic levels based on flight conditions and fear factor More...
virtual void explosionReaction (GameEvents.ExplosionReaction er)
virtual void FixedUpdate ()
virtual void IVAUpdate ()
 Kerbal Fuzzy AI IVA:: calculate wheee and panic levels based on flight conditions and fear factor More...
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void Start ()
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateExpressionAI ()

Protected Attributes

float courage
int currentExpressionCacheIndex = 0
int expressionHash
float[] expressionSampleCache
int expressionSampleSize = 20
bool hasHelmet
int hasHelmetHash
int idleBoolHash
float IdleFloat
int idleFloatHash
bool isBadass
bool isIdle
bool isJetpackOn
 Use this for initialization. More...
float normalizedExpression
bool running
float secondaryVariance = 0f
int secondaryVarianceHash
float stupidity
float targetExpression
float targetSecondaryVariance
float targetVariance
float variance = 0f
int varianceHash

Member Function Documentation

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.Awake ( )
virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.EVAUpdate ( )

Kerbal Fuzzy AI EVA:: calculate wheee and panic levels based on flight conditions and fear factor


  1. all kerbals like feeling weightless
  2. badass kerbals enjoy high speeds, while their passengers don't.
  3. badass kerbals don't mind spinning around as much as meek ones do.
  4. stupid kerbals find spinning around entertaining(to a certain point)
  5. all kerbals panic when spinning way too fast
  6. fear will make all kerbals panic(stupid ones, a little less)
  7. brave kerbals regain their nerve faster than yellow ones
  8. stupid kerbals are more easily excited than less stupid ones
  9. Kerbals are Scared of ragdolling around.Badass Kerbals a little less
  10. Regular Kerbals are afraid of falling at high speeds, badass kerbals like going fast
  11. Jetpacks are freaking sweet, seriously.
  12. kerbals panic as they begin to go unconscious. Badass helps here though. end effect is a balance between wheee and panic, with neutral (idle) in the middle.

< rule 1 (weight 0.6)

< rule 2

< rule 4

< rule 6

< Rule 11 (weight 0.3)

< rule 8

< rule 2 and 3

< rule 3 and 5

< rule 6

< rule 11

< waagh

< Still scary, but I'm a badass.

< Yay! Going fast is awesome!

< rule 7

< balance out wheee vs panic

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.explosionReaction ( GameEvents.ExplosionReaction  er)
virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.FixedUpdate ( )

< this isn't actually gee force... but it looks funnier like this

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.IVAUpdate ( )

Kerbal Fuzzy AI IVA:: calculate wheee and panic levels based on flight conditions and fear factor


  1. all kerbals like feeling weightless
  2. badass kerbals enjoy high speeds, while their passengers don't.
  3. badass kerbals don't mind spinning around as much as meek ones do.
  4. stupid kerbals find spinning around entertaining (to a certain point)
  5. all kerbals panic when spinning way too fast
  6. fear will make all kerbals panic (stupid ones, a little less)
  7. brave kerbals regain their nerve faster than yellow ones
  8. stupid kerbals are more easily excited than less stupid ones
  9. kerbals panic as they begin to go unconscious. Badass helps here though.

end effect is a balance between wheee and panic, with neutral (idle) in the middle.

< rule 1 (weight 0.6)

< rule 2

< rule 4

< rule 6

< rule 8

< rule 2 and 3

< rule 3 and 5

< rule 9

< rule 6

< rule 7

< balance out wheee vs panic

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.OnDestroy ( )
IEnumerator kerbalExpressionSystem.SetNewIdleExpression ( )

Function to change the expressions in the new idle animations at a specific time.

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.Start ( )

< Grab the first entry of the protoCrew member.

virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.Update ( )
virtual void kerbalExpressionSystem.UpdateExpressionAI ( )

Member Data Documentation

Animator kerbalExpressionSystem.animator
float kerbalExpressionSystem.courage
int kerbalExpressionSystem.currentExpressionCacheIndex = 0
Part kerbalExpressionSystem.evaPart
float kerbalExpressionSystem.expression
int kerbalExpressionSystem.expressionHash
float kerbalExpressionSystem.expressionLerpRate = 1f
string kerbalExpressionSystem.expressionParameterName = "Expression"
float [] kerbalExpressionSystem.expressionSampleCache
int kerbalExpressionSystem.expressionSampleSize = 20
float kerbalExpressionSystem.fearFactor
float kerbalExpressionSystem.flight_angularV
float kerbalExpressionSystem.flight_gee
float kerbalExpressionSystem.flight_velocity
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.hasHelmet
int kerbalExpressionSystem.hasHelmetHash
string kerbalExpressionSystem.hasHelmetName = "hasHelmet"
int kerbalExpressionSystem.idleBoolHash
string kerbalExpressionSystem.idleBoolName = "isIdle"
float kerbalExpressionSystem.IdleFloat
int kerbalExpressionSystem.idleFloatHash
string kerbalExpressionSystem.idleFloatName = "IdleFloatController"
int kerbalExpressionSystem.idlePlayChance = 10
int kerbalExpressionSystem.idleRandomNumberLimitHelmet = 11
int kerbalExpressionSystem.idleRandomNumberLimitNoHelmet = 6
float kerbalExpressionSystem.idleThreshold = 0.2f
float kerbalExpressionSystem.idleTimer = 0f
float kerbalExpressionSystem.idleUpdateInterval = 10
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.isBadass
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.isIdle
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.isIVAController
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.isJetpackOn

Use this for initialization.

Kerbal kerbalExpressionSystem.kerbal
KerbalEVA kerbalExpressionSystem.kerbalEVA
float kerbalExpressionSystem.newIdleFearFactor
float kerbalExpressionSystem.newIdleWheeLevel
float kerbalExpressionSystem.normalizedExpression
float kerbalExpressionSystem.panicLevel
ProtoCrewMember kerbalExpressionSystem.protoCrewMember
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.running
float kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVariance = 0f
int kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVarianceHash
float kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVarianceLerpRate = 1f
string kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVarianceParameterName = "SecondaryVariance"
float kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVarianceTimer = 0f
float kerbalExpressionSystem.secondaryVarianceUpdateInterval = 1f
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.showInactive = true
float kerbalExpressionSystem.startExpressionTime
float kerbalExpressionSystem.stupidity
float kerbalExpressionSystem.targetExpression
float kerbalExpressionSystem.targetSecondaryVariance
float kerbalExpressionSystem.targetVariance
bool kerbalExpressionSystem.useNewIdleExpressions = false
float kerbalExpressionSystem.variance = 0f
int kerbalExpressionSystem.varianceHash
float kerbalExpressionSystem.varianceLerpRate = 1f
string kerbalExpressionSystem.varianceParameterName = "Variance"
float kerbalExpressionSystem.varianceTimer = 0f
float kerbalExpressionSystem.varianceUpdateInterval = 1f
float kerbalExpressionSystem.wheeLevel

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