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ModuleEnginesFX Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ModuleEnginesFX:
ModuleEngines PartModule IEngineStatus IModuleInfo IResourceConsumer IThrustProvider IConstruction

Public Member Functions

virtual bool CanStart ()
override void DeactivateLoopingFX ()
override void DeactivatePowerFX ()
override void DeactivateRunningFX ()
override void FXReset ()
override void FXUpdate ()
override void InitializeFX ()
override void OnAwake ()
 Method fires once the module has been added to the part. Use for first time setup. Module will not have loaded fully by this point More...
override void PlayEngageFX ()
override void PlayFlameoutFX (bool flamingOut)
 plays Flameout FX More...
override void PlayShutdownFX ()
override void SetListener ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ModuleEngines
virtual void Activate ()
virtual void ActivateAction (KSPActionParam param)
void ActivatePowerFX ()
void ActivateRunningFX ()
void AutoPlaceFXGroup (FXGroup group, Transform thruster)
void BurstFlameoutGroups ()
float CalculateThrust ()
virtual bool CanBeDetached ()
 Returns true if not active/producing thrust More...
virtual bool CanBeOffset ()
 Returns true if not active/producing thrust More...
virtual bool CanBeRotated ()
 Returns true if not active/producing thrust More...
virtual bool CheckDeprived (double requiredPropellant, out string propName)
virtual void EngineExhaustDamage ()
void FixedUpdate ()
virtual void Flameout (string message, bool statusOnly=false, bool showFX=true)
 Sets flameout true and, if the first time, plays FX. Sets status messages as appropriate. More...
List< PartResourceDefinitionGetConsumedResources ()
float GetCurrentThrust ()
Callback< Rect > GetDrawModulePanelCallback ()
 Return a method delegate to draw a custom panel, or null if not necessary. More...
float GetEngineThrust (float isp, float throttle)
 Get the Engine Thrust given the input isp and throttle More...
EngineType GetEngineType ()
float getExhaustVelocity (float isp)
 Get the Exhaust Velocity for specified isp More...
virtual float getFuelFlow (Propellant p, float fuelFlow)
 Get the fuel flow in units/sec for the given propellant and fuelFlow amount. fuelFlow is clamped between the Engines min ans max fuel flow settings. More...
override string GetInfo ()
 return a simple string for the module info. Supports rich-text syntax. More...
virtual float getMaxFuelFlow (Propellant p)
 Get the Maximum fuel flow in units/sec for the given propellant at Maximum flow. More...
float GetMaxThrust ()
override string GetModuleDisplayName ()
 Override this to provide a Localized version of the PartModules Name for UI components More...
string GetModuleTitle ()
 Return a string title for your module. More...
string GetPrimaryField ()
 Return a string to be displayed in the main information box on the tooltip, or null if nothing is that important to be up there. More...
float GetThrottlingMult (float atm, float throttle)
 Get the Throttle multiplier evaluated against the ISP Curve given the input atmosphere and throttle values. More...
bool IsEngineDead ()
 Is an adjuster being applied that makes the Engine dead? More...
override bool IsStageable ()
 Should this module be counted when seeing whether to have a stack icon present? Override in a module for custom behavior; otherwise returns true if the module (or something the module inherits from above PartModule itself) overrides OnActive() More...
double MassFlow ()
 Get the current MassFlow requirement. More...
virtual float MaxThrustOutputAtm (bool runningActive=false, bool useThrustLimiter=true, float atmPressure=1f, double atmTemp=310f, double atmDensity=PhysicsGlobals.EngineDefaultAtmDensity)
 Get the Maximum Thrust Output in Atmosphere More...
virtual float MaxThrustOutputVac (bool useThrustLimiter=true)
 Get the Maximum Thrust Output in Vac More...
virtual void OnAction (KSPActionParam param)
override void OnActive ()
 Called when the part is set active (after unpacking etc) More...
virtual void OnCenterOfThrustQuery (CenterOfThrustQuery qry)
override void OnInventoryModeDisable ()
 This method will be called when this modules part and itself is first disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) when created in Inventory/Construction mode. More...
override void OnLoad (ConfigNode node)
 Use OnLoad to load any additional data from the ConfigNode provided More...
override void OnModuleAdjusterRemoved (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Perform processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is removed. More...
override void OnStart (PartModule.StartState state)
virtual double RequestPropellant (double mass)
void SetPowerGroupsActive (bool active)
void SetRunningGroupsActive (bool active)
void SetupFXGroups ()
void SetupPropellant ()
virtual void Shutdown ()
virtual void ShutdownAction (KSPActionParam param)
virtual void ToggleIncludeinDV ()
virtual void ToggleThrottle (KSPActionParam param)
virtual void UnFlameout (bool showFX=true)
 Sets flameout false and, if the first time, plays FX Hides status line 2. More...
virtual void UpdateThrottle ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PartModule
void AddPartModuleAdjuster (AdjusterPartModuleBase newAdjuster)
 Call this to add an adjuster to this part module. More...
void AddPartModuleAdjusterList (List< AdjusterPartModuleBase > moduleAdjusters)
 Applies the appropriate module adjusters. Performs checks to make sure that the adjusters are valid too. More...
bool AppliedUpgrades ()
 Returns true if upgrades are applied More...
void ApplyAdjustersOnStart ()
 Called when a part module is loaded and applies all of the currently loaded adjusters. More...
virtual void ApplyUpgradeNode (List< string > appliedUps, ConfigNode node, bool doLoad)
 Applies the upgrades to a confignode. Will either copy the upgrades back to the node or (if doLoad) calls load/onload on it. More...
virtual bool ApplyUpgrades (StartState state)
 Will find and apply upgrades. Called during Part's ModulesOnStart, before a module's OnStart. More...
void Awake ()
delegate bool boolPMApplyUpgrades (PartModule pm, StartState state)
delegate bool boolPMBoolDelegate (PartModule pm, bool apply)
void ClearPersistentId ()
 Clear the modules persistentId More...
void Copy (PartModule fromModule)
virtual void DemoteToPhysicslessPart ()
 This method will be called from Part class DemoteToPhysicslessPart when the part is being converted from physical to physicsless part. It is called before the joints and rigidbodies are destroyed. More...
virtual bool FindUpgrades (bool fillApplied, ConfigNode node=null)
 Find applicable upgrades to the partmodule (isunlocked and isenabled) and add to the upgradesApplied list. Pass true if you want to add the upgrades to upgradesApplied, false if you just want to know if at least one upgrade is applicable (unlocked rather than enabled) More...
virtual Color GetCurrentColor ()
 Returns the current part module color. More...
virtual Color GetCurrentColor (string fieldName)
 Returns the current part module color for a field where usespe. More...
uint GetPersistenActiontId ()
 Get the modules persistentID, and create one if it doesnt already have one More...
uint GetPersistentId ()
 Get the modules persistentID, and create one if it doesnt already have one More...
virtual string GetStagingDisableText ()
virtual string GetStagingEnableText ()
virtual string GetUpgradeInfo ()
 Called by Upgrade Stats dialog More...
bool HasUpgrades ()
 Returns true if upgrades exist for the partmodule More...
bool IsValidContractObjective (string objectiveType)
 Returns if, for example, an antenna part module qualifies as an antenna for contracts. More...
void Load (ConfigNode node)
virtual void LoadUpgrades (ConfigNode node)
 Loads module-relevant upgrades from the partmodule confignode More...
uint NewPersistentId ()
 Reset the modules persistentId to a new number More...
virtual void OnColorChanged (Color color)
 Meant to be overwritten by part modules implementing color changes. In this case, it doesn't matter which color picker changed specifically. More...
virtual void OnColorChanged (Color color, string pickerID="")
 Meant to be overwritten by part modules implementing color changes More...
virtual void OnConstructionModeFixedUpdate ()
 This method will be called when in EVA Construction mode and this part and itself is disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) every FixedUpdate(). More...
virtual void OnConstructionModeUpdate ()
 This method will be called when in EVA Construction mode and this part and itself is disabled (when it is not attached to a vessel) every Update(). More...
virtual void OnCopy (PartModule fromModule)
 Use OnCopy to copy any additional data from the PartModule provided More...
virtual void OnFixedUpdate ()
 Called every physics/fixed frame that the part is active More...
virtual void OnIconCreate ()
 Method fires just before components are stripped from the gameobject to make it an icon. (The part is instantiated and then various components like Part, PartModule, EffectBehaviour, Colliders, Particles, etc are stripped and then it's set as the icon prefab. This lets PartModules do stuff to the model right before that happens. More...
virtual void OnInactive ()
 Called before the part goes inactive (after packing etc) More...
virtual void OnInitialize ()
 Called on all modules after all parts are loaded but before they give the ship to the game More...
virtual void OnInventoryModeEnable ()
 This method will be called when this modules part and itself is first enabled (when it is attached to a vessel) when created in Inventory/Construction mode. More...
void OnModuleAdjusterAddedWrapper (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Wrapper to check the mission expansion availability before performing processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is added. More...
virtual void OnPartCreatedFomInventory (ModuleInventoryPart moduleInventoryPart)
 This method is called when a part is being taken out from a slot while being in EVAConstruction mode. More...
virtual void OnSave (ConfigNode node)
 Use OnSave to serialize additional module information into the ConfigNode provided More...
virtual void OnStart (StartState state)
 Called when the part starts. The StartState gives an indication of where in flight you are. All values may not be plugged in! More...
virtual void OnStartBeforePartAttachJoint (StartState state)
 Called in flight scene in Part.Start just before the Part attachnode joints are created. More...
virtual void OnStartFinished (StartState state)
 Called when the part finishes starting. The StartState gives an indication of where in flight you are. All values may not be plugged in! More...
virtual void OnStoredInInventory (ModuleInventoryPart moduleInventoryPart)
 Called when the part is stored in an inventory. More...
virtual void OnUpdate ()
 Called every frame that the part is active More...
virtual void OnWasCopied (PartModule copyPartModule, bool asSymCounterpart)
 Called when the PartModule was copied, through Alt+Copy or symmetry More...
virtual void OnWillBeCopied (bool asSymCounterpart)
 Called when the PartModule is about to be copied, through Alt+Copy or symmetry More...
virtual bool OnWillBeMirrored (ref Quaternion rotation, AttachNode selPartNode, Part partParent)
 This is called in the Editor scene when a symmetry copy of a part is being positioned. Only called on the symmetry parts and only when symmetry mode is set to Mirror. It allows the mirror rotation to be changed and returned before being applied to the symmetry copy part.

rotationThe current calculated rotation. Will be updated if method returns true.
selPartNodeThe attachnode.
partParentThe part that will become this part's parent.
True if the rotation was changed. Otherwise will return false.
virtual List< Color > PresetColors ()
 Preset colors received for any part module. By default, returns only black, override to make your own selection. More...
virtual string PrintUpgrades ()
virtual void PromoteToPhysicalPart ()
 This method will be called from Part class PromoteToPhysicalPart when the part is being converted from physicsless to physical part. More...
void RemovePartModuleAdjuster (AdjusterPartModuleBase oldAdjuster)
 Call this to remove an adjuster from this part module. More...
void RemovePartModuleAdjusterList (List< AdjusterPartModuleBase > moduleAdjusters)
 Removes the appropriate module adjusters. Performs checks to make sure that the adjusters are valid too. More...
void Save (ConfigNode node)
virtual void SetStaging (bool newValue)
 Run by the part's staging toggle handler, sets staging on modules on symmetry counterparts. More...
void SetStagingState (bool newState)
 Set the staging enabled bool for this module. More...
virtual bool StagingEnabled ()
 Gets current staging status (is staging enabled for this module) Override me! More...
virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledEditor ()
virtual bool StagingToggleEnabledFlight ()
void ToggleStaging ()
virtual void UpdateStagingToggle ()
 Updates the staging toggle More...
delegate void voidPMApplyNodeDelegate (PartModule pm, List< string > appliedUps, ConfigNode node, bool doLoad)
delegate void voidPMDelegate (PartModule pm)
delegate void voidPMNodeDelegate (PartModule pm, ConfigNode node)

Public Attributes

string directThrottleEffectName = "directThrottle"
string disengageEffectName = "disengage"
string engageEffectName = "engage"
float engineSpool
float engineSpoolIdle = 0.05f
float engineSpoolTime = 2f
string flameoutEffectName = "flameout"
string powerEffectName = "power"
string runningEffectName = "running"
string spoolEffectName = "spool"
- Public Attributes inherited from ModuleEngines
bool allowRestart = true
 By default allow restart. More...
bool allowShutdown = true
 By default allow shutdown. More...
bool atmChangeFlow = false
 Atmospheric density will change fuel flow (and thus thrust) More...
FloatCurve atmCurve = new FloatCurve()
 Normally thrust is proportional to density, but we allow tuning. Tuning is especially needed because there's no stratosphere, so temperature keeps decreasing and thus speed of sound keeps decreasing. More...
FloatCurve atmCurveIsp = new FloatCurve()
 Same as atmCurve, but changes Isp not flow More...
FloatCurve atmosphereCurve
 a curve to determine loss or gain of thrust due to changes in atmosphere vs vacuum values are based on ISP to ATM Pressure More...
bool autoPositionFX = false
float CLAMP = 1e-5f
 tunable clamp. The flow multiplier will never go below this. More...
bool clampPropReceived = false
 do we clamp the return percent to the min ratio (and never request more on followups) or do we request all always, and average? More...
double clampPropReceivedMinLowerAmount = 0.999d
float currentThrottle
bool disableUnderwater = false
 Temp and module values. More...
float engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2f
float engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.1f
string engineID = "Engine"
bool EngineIgnited = false
bool engineShutdown = false
EngineType engineType = EngineType.Generic
bool exhaustDamage = true
double exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0d
double exhaustDamageFalloffPower = 1d
bool exhaustDamageLogEvent = false
double exhaustDamageMaxMutliplier = 100d
float exhaustDamageMaxRange = 10f
double exhaustDamageMultiplier = 165d
double exhaustDamageSplashbackFallofPower = 2.5d
double exhaustDamageSplashbackMaxMutliplier = 1d
double exhaustDamageSplashbackMult = 0.0d
bool exhaustSplashbackDamage = true
float finalThrust
bool flameout = false
float flameoutBar = 0.07f
 When the flow multiplier goes below this, we "flameout" the engine. NOTE: THIS FIXES ASYMMETRIC FLAMEOUTS. More...
FXGroup flameoutGroup
float flowMultCap = float.MaxValue
 cap beyond which increases to flow multiplier aren't fully felt (start to taper off) More...
float flowMultCapSharpness = 2f
 Sharpness of the tapering off of flow increase beyond cap More...
float flowMultiplier = 1f
float fuelFlowGui
 Used to display fuel flow to the UI Look into better ways of displaying this perhaps. More...
string fxGroupPrefix = "thruster_"
Vector3 fxOffset =
float g = 9.80665f
float heatProduction = 370f
 KSp fields! More...
float ignitionThreshold = 0.1f
bool includeinDVCalcs = false
 Only used/available in the Part Action Window if nonThrustMotor is true. Set to true will include this motor in the Delta-v calcs. More...
bool independentThrottle = false
 Should the main throttle be overridable by an axis More...
float independentThrottlePercentage = 0f
 If the throttle is overrideable, this is the throttle control More...
float machHeatMult = 1f
 heat multiplier for "over-mach" heat More...
float machLimit = float.MaxValue
 Thermal limit, in Mach, for the engine. Defaults to VERYHIGH. This is not when the engine blows up, but merely when it starts generating more heat than 'usual'. More...
bool manuallyOverridden = false
float maxFuelFlow = 20f
float maxThrust = 215f
float minFuelFlow = 0f
float minThrust = 0f
float mixtureDensity
 What is the density of the mixture. More...
double mixtureDensityRecip
float multFlow = 1f
 Multiplier to final flow as calculated More...
float multIsp = 1f
 Multiplier to final Isp as calculated More...
bool nonThrustMotor = false
 set true to tag this motor as one that can be excluded from delta-V calculations. use for things like separation motors that aren't used for thrusting the rocket More...
bool normalizeHeatForFlow = true
 Do we divide the heat produced by the flow multiplier to get the final flux? I.e. do we always produce the same heat for the same throttle setting? More...
AudioSource powerSfx
float propellantReqMet
 How much of our requirement was met. Starts hidden, shown on activate. More...
List< Propellantpropellants
double ratioSum
float realIsp = 0.0f
float requestedMassFlow = 0f
float requestedThrottle = 0f
float resultingThrust = 0f
List< FXGrouprunningGroups
bool shieldedCanActivate = true
bool staged = false
string status = "Nominal"
string statusL2 = " "
float throttleIgniteLevelMult = 1f
bool throttleInstant = false
bool throttleInstantShutdown = true
FloatCurve throttleIspCurve = new FloatCurve()
 Modifies Isp based on throttle. time is throttle, value is multiplier to Isp More...
FloatCurve throttleIspCurveAtmStrength = new FloatCurve()
 Modifies Isp based on throttle. time is pressure in atm, value is how much throttling affects Isp (i.e. Isp = input * Lerp(1, throttleIspCurve, throttleIspCurveAtmStrength) More...
bool throttleLocked = false
float throttleMin = 0f
float throttleResponseRate = -1f
float throttleShutdownMult = 100f
float throttleStartedMult = 1f
float throttleStartupMult = 1f
bool throttleUseAlternate = false
double throttlingBaseClamp = 1.1d
double throttlingBaseDivisor = 0.2d
 Thrust Vector. More...
double throttlingBaseRate = 10d
FloatCurve thrustCurve = new FloatCurve()
 The curve to use More...
float thrustCurveDisplay = 1f
float thrustCurveRatio = 1f
float thrustPercentage = 100f
List< float > thrustTransformMultipliers
 Gui Fields. More...
List< Transform > thrustTransforms
string thrustVectorTransformName = "thrustTransform"
bool useAtmCurve = false
 Do we use the atm curve? If not, and atmChangeFlow is true, just use atm linearly. More...
bool useAtmCurveIsp = false
bool useEngineResponseTime = false
bool useThrottleIspCurve = false
bool useThrustCurve = false
 should we use a thrust curve (based on resource remaining) ? More...
bool useVelCurve = false
 If false, we don't use the new velCurve. More...
bool useVelCurveIsp = false
FloatCurve velCurve = new FloatCurve()
 replacement for the existing module's velocityCurve. Note that its x value is Mach, not m/s velocity. High-bypass turbofans will see thrust decrease steadily from static. Low-bypass turbofans and turbojets will see thrust decrease slightly up to about 0.2 Mach then increase steadily until the limit is reached (both in terms of heat, and incoming compression vs compressor compression). Ramjets have 0 static thrust, and do not light until 0.3 Mach or so, but once lit have steadily increasing thrust until Mach 5, when the incoming air can no longer be slowed to subsonic (combustion must be subsonic for ramjets). Thermal limits also apply, of course. For heat limits, see machLimit, below. More...
FloatCurve velCurveIsp = new FloatCurve()
 Same as velCurve but changes Isp not flow More...
- Public Attributes inherited from PartModule
bool isEnabled = true
bool moduleIsEnabled = true
string moduleName
bool overrideStagingIconIfBlank = true
ModuleResourceHandler resHandler = new ModuleResourceHandler()
bool showUpgradesInModuleInfo = false
ProtoPartModuleSnapshot snapshot
string stagingDisableText = ""
bool stagingEnabled = true
string stagingEnableText = ""
bool stagingToggleEnabledEditor = false
bool stagingToggleEnabledFlight = false
List< ConfigNodeupgrades
List< string > upgradesApplied = new List<string>()
bool upgradesApply = true
bool upgradesAsk = true

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PartModule
enum  PartUpgradeState { PartUpgradeState.NONE, PartUpgradeState.LOCKED, PartUpgradeState.AVAILABLE }
enum  StartState {
  StartState.None = 0, StartState.Editor = 1, StartState.PreLaunch = 2, StartState.Landed = 4,
  StartState.Docked = 8, StartState.Flying = 16, StartState.Splashed = 32, StartState.SubOrbital = 64,
  StartState.Orbital = 128
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PartModule
static ReflectedAttributes GetReflectedAttributes (Type partModuleType)
static PartUpgradeState UpgradesAvailable (Part part)
 Returns true if at least one module on the part has at least one upgrade available (isUnlocked) More...
static PartUpgradeState UpgradesAvailable (Part part, ConfigNode node)
 Returns true if at least one module on the part has at least one upgrade available (isUnlocked) More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PartModule
static voidPMApplyNodeDelegate ApplyUpgradeNodeDel
static boolPMApplyUpgrades ApplyUpgradesDel
static bool ApplyUpgradesEditorAuto = true
static boolPMBoolDelegate FindUpgradesDel
static voidPMNodeDelegate LoadExpansionNodes
 Hook for loading extra nodes common to all part modules. More...
static voidPMNodeDelegate LoadUpgradesDel
static voidPMNodeDelegate SaveExpansionNodes
 Hook for saving extra nodes common to all part modules. More...
static voidPMDelegate SetupExpansion
 Hook for performing extra setup common to all part modules. More...
static string UpgradesAvailableString = "#autoLOC_6002273"
static string UpgradesLockedString = "#autoLOC_6002274"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ModuleEngines
bool CheckTransformsUnderwater ()
virtual string GetInfoThrust (bool mainInfoWindow)
void HijackFX (FXGroup group, string groupName)
virtual float ModifyFlow ()
 Returns a multiplier to fuel flow (and thus thrust). Will only do so if atmChangeFlow is true (in which case flow is modified by atmsopheric density, either linearly or via a curve, that's toggled by useAtmCurve) and/or if useVelCurve is true, in which case it's modified by mach finally, it's clamped to CLAMP so it never quite goes to 0. If neither situation obtains, we just return 1.0. More...
override void OnModuleAdjusterAdded (AdjusterPartModuleBase adjuster)
 Perform processing specific to this part module when an adjuster is added. More...
double RequiredPropellantMass (float throttleAmount)
void throttleModeChanged (object obj)
void ThrustUpdate ()
bool TimeWarping ()
void UpdatePropellantGauge (Propellant p)
void UpdatePropellantStatus (bool doGauge=true)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PartModule
ConfigNode GetUpgrade (string name)
virtual void LoadUpgradesApplied (List< string > applieds, ConfigNode node)
 Load the applied upgrade names More...
virtual void SaveUpgradesApplied (ConfigNode node)
 Save the applied upgrades. More...
IEnumerator UpgradeWaitForScenarioModules ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from ModuleEngines
List< PartResourceDefinitionconsumedResources
RaycastHit hit
double massFlow = 0f
Dictionary< Propellant,
BaseField statusL2Field
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ModuleEngines
static int damageLayerMask
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from PartModule
static Dictionary< string,
exclusives = new Dictionary<string, ConfigNode>()
static Dictionary< Type,
reflectedAttributeCache = new Dictionary<Type, ReflectedAttributes>()
- Properties inherited from ModuleEngines
string engineName [get]
bool getFlameoutState [get]
bool getIgnitionState [get]
bool isOperational [get]
float normalizedOutput [get]
float normalizedThrustOutput [get]
float throttleSetting [get]
- Properties inherited from PartModule
BaseActionList Actions [get]
int ClassID [get]
string ClassName [get]
List< AdjusterPartModuleBaseCurrentModuleAdjusterList [get]
 List of all the module adjusters that are currently active on this part module. More...
BaseEventList Events [get]
BaseFieldList Fields [get]
string GUIName [get]
bool HasAdjusters [get]
 Has this part module been adjusted? More...
ReflectedAttributes ModuleAttributes [get, set]
Part part [get, set]
uint PersistentActionsId [get, set]
 A unique identifier for each vessel including from when it was Shipconstruct More...
uint PersistentId [get]
 A unique identifier for each vessel including from when it was Shipconstruct More...
Vessel vessel [get]
- Properties inherited from IEngineStatus
string engineName [get]
bool isOperational [get]
float normalizedOutput [get]
float throttleSetting [get]

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool ModuleEnginesFX.CanStart ( )

< not sure if vessel is ever going to be null here, but taking no chances.

< How many units of propellant do we need to get our mass

override void ModuleEnginesFX.DeactivateLoopingFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.DeactivatePowerFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.DeactivateRunningFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.FXReset ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.FXUpdate ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.InitializeFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.OnAwake ( )

Method fires once the module has been added to the part. Use for first time setup. Module will not have loaded fully by this point

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.PlayEngageFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.PlayFlameoutFX ( bool  flamingOut)

plays Flameout FX

flamingOutuse True if flaming out, false if un-flaming-out

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.PlayShutdownFX ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

override void ModuleEnginesFX.SetListener ( )

Reimplemented from ModuleEngines.

Member Data Documentation

string ModuleEnginesFX.directThrottleEffectName = "directThrottle"
string ModuleEnginesFX.disengageEffectName = "disengage"
string ModuleEnginesFX.engageEffectName = "engage"
float ModuleEnginesFX.engineSpool
float ModuleEnginesFX.engineSpoolIdle = 0.05f
float ModuleEnginesFX.engineSpoolTime = 2f
string ModuleEnginesFX.flameoutEffectName = "flameout"
string ModuleEnginesFX.powerEffectName = "power"
string ModuleEnginesFX.runningEffectName = "running"
string ModuleEnginesFX.spoolEffectName = "spool"

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: